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Decorating Rooms with Odd Angles

Gathering of lines decorating rooms with odd angles

Bonus rooms over the garage are wonderful. They add extra square footage to your house and often make for the perfect extra bedroom. But something I’ve been avoiding for a while (umm 3 years) is adding artwork to the walls.

I tried a few different options and I’d love to get your opinion about decorating rooms with odd angles in the comments below. Which option do you think works better in this room?

The First Option

Decorating Rooms with Odd Angles
Gathering of lines
Copyright © 2019 Gathering of Lines

For the first option, I added some three-dimensional elements with the wood snowflake mirrors. I kept the pieces grounded by maintaining an overall rectangular shape. The gold hues in the Da Vinci self-portrait, mimic the gold hues in the Eiffel Tower painting. For those who are interested, the Eiffel Tower painting is for sale here.

Decorating Rooms with Odd Angles
Gathering of lines
Copyright © 2019 Gathering of Lines

I also like how the black frame ties in the with the black Eiffel Tower motif, but that there is also this silver frame, with the photo of the Venetian gondolier, that ties in with the silver-ish tones of the snowflakes (more information about the snowflakes can be found here).

Every image and piece has a special significance to me. I played around with different pieces by using thumbtacks to hang them at first (Before committing to a nail in the wall).

The Second Option

Decorating Rooms with Odd Angles
Gathering of lines
Copyright © 2019 Gathering of Lines

For this option, I added some three-dimensional interest with a small basket my grandmother made (on the top left). I tied in the black frames with the Eiffel Tower painting again but also pulled in a cream frame to match the bedding and table lamp (Side note- I just love cream and white bedding. It’s so serene and easy to keep clean with a little bleach).

Decorating Rooms with Odd Angles
Gathering of lines
Copyright © 2019 Gathering of Lines

The Third Option

Or do you think I’m better off skipping the gallery wall and just hanging a single large piece of artwork?

Thank you for stopping by Gathering of Lines – what are your home decor dilemmas? Leave them for me in the comments below!

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Travel: Toledo Botanical Gardens

Gathering of Lines black and white rose

Home decor and travel go hand in hand. What better photographs and accessories to use in your home than ones that remind you of a great trip with your friends and family?

Black and white peony photograph Gathering of Lines travel and artwork
Black and white peony – Gathering of Lines

You don’t have to buy a plane ticket to have a travel experience or create great art.

Pink peony photograph Gathering of Lines travel and artwork
Pink Peony – Toledo Botanical Gardens. Gathering of Lines Travel and Home Design

This past weekend, my family and I took a little stroll around the Toledo Botanical Gardens.

Purple flower photograph Gathering of Lines travel and artwork
Purple flower – Gathering of Lines

Here are some of my tips for taking a great photograph that you can use as artwork in your home:

  • Zoom in. This is especially great with nature, the purple flower above looks like a watercolor painting rather than a photograph.
  • Use the black and white setting on your phone. This can add a romance to your photograph and also helps cover up some imperfections (for example a petal that may be brown/decaying or to mask a red sunburn on your face).
  • Take pictures of flowers or trees that have a double meaning. Did you carry peonies at your wedding? Did your beloved Grandma always love violets? Does your Aunt Rose always give you a laugh? These double meanings will make you smile every time you pass the picture in the hallway.
  • Make sure interesting parts of the photograph intersect with the edges of the frame. For example – if you’re taking a photograph of a tree, make sure the tree trunk and branches lead your eye around to all four sides of the photograph. This is pleasing to the eye and helps your eye to move around the composition.
Tree and sky photograph gathering of lines travel
Make sure interesting parts of the photograph intersect with 3 or 4 sides of the frame.

Thank you for stopping by Gathering of Lines! Do you want to see more tips for photography and creating your own art? Let me know in the comments below and tag me on Instagram – I’d love to see your pics!

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How I Keep My Orchids Blooming

Beautiful, affordable, white orchid. How to keep the orchid blooming
How I keep my orchids blooming! (c) 2019 Gathering of Lines

Have you ever gotten a beautiful orchid and found that within ten days, all the blooms have fallen off and you’re left with leaves and two empty sticks? Orchids are a beautiful, affordable, way to add flowers to any room without having to buy an arrangement every week. My coworker gave me an excellent tip that I thought I’d share. The orchids in the photographs here have kept their blooms for 3 months now.

Close up of white orchid
gathering of lines blog
How I keep my orchids blooming! (c) 2019 Gathering of Lines

tips for keeping that orchid blooming

  1. Only water once per week. Every other week, I use a tablespoon measuring spoon and add 5 tablespoons of plain water. (some people use an ice cube, this hasn’t worked for my orchids in the past)
  2. On the alternate weeks, I use 5 tablespoons of a Miracle Grow Orchid Food/water mixture. It’s inexpensive and can be found for sale on Amazon (link below).
Side note – don’t you love that planter? I found it on sale here:
Miracle Grow Orchid Food

As the instructions indicate above, mix 1/4 teaspoon of orchid food with a gallon of water and you’re all set! I only use 5 tablespoons every other week so that gallon will last a long time. Find the orchid food here:

Thanks for stopping by Gathering of Lines – if you have any home decor posts you’d like to see, leave it in the comments below!

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